
Where to Start Learning a Guitar

Where to Start Learning a Guitar

Knowing how to play a guitar is a skill that can be taught to you by a professional guitar artist, or you can learn by yourself. The thing is, where to start learning a guitar is an option that only you can decide upon. Many factors are at play with this choice, particularly budget and time. But, before you make up your mind, you should know the traits needed to be a guitarist.

Traits of a great guitar player

Let us look at a couple of good traits that you should have to achieve success in your chosen field.


You cannot be an efficient guitar player without passion. Have the desire to learn how to play, and love what you do. When you are passionate about guitar, you will have no trouble prioritizing your practices and aspire to become the best.


It is a given that you need to be creative in order to become a guitar artist. You should know how to make guitar music more beautiful, and be creative enough to take your lessons to a new level.


Curiosity is a trait that you need for your goal to learn playing the guitar. You should have the inner drive to question what you do not understand, and pursue new techniques. If you crave for something more than the typical guitar playing, then you can be an exceptional guitarist someday.


Complete dedication is needed for your learning process of a guitar. You must give time to learn the ways of a guitar, and dedicate yourself to uncovering the secrets of guitar playing.


If you have an undying enthusiasm to learn how to handle a guitar, then you are definitely on your way to becoming an artist. Keep your enthusiasm going, and use it to pursue learning the guitar.

Two locations for learning to play the guitar

When you are planning to learn how to play a guitar, you can either learn by yourself, or enroll in a guitar class. Let us look at the pros and cons of choosing either one.

At home

Learning guitar from home is certainly beneficial for you, but this route also comes with disadvantages. But, any downside for this option is absolutely weighed down by the benefits.


  • When you learn guitar at home, there is no cost of hiring an expert.So you can save some money when you learn on your own.
  • Learning on your own allowsyou to have a lot of fun.There are so many things you can find out, and you can experiment on your guitar.
  • You can explore your creative side by learning on your own. There are many books, online tutorial and videos that you can reference guitar playing from.


  • The process to learn is longer when you do it at home, because you need to do a lot of research first.But with a lot of time in your hands, you can hasten your progress.
  • It is time-consuming to do it on your own without any guidance from a professional guitar artist.But you can watch and listen to popular guitar artists online and learn from them.

At a guitar school

If you choose to learn how to play guitar in a guitar school, it shows how serious you are with your desire to learn. Though this process is backed with so many good things, there are down sides as well.


  • Faster learning curve is what a guitar school can offer you. There is a specific timeframe given so you know exactly when your lessons end and when you can play the guitar.
  • An expert guitarist will train you and teach you everything you need to play a guitar. You will discover insider tips and tricks that you cannot find in the web.
  • You will meet like-minded people who love the guitar music. There are many people whom you can be friends with, which results in a boost of your social life.
  • When you enroll is a proper guitar class, you will receive a certificate after the end of the course. You become a certified guitar player, and you can definitely use that certificate in your future guitar endeavors.


  • Enrolling in a guitar class is not cheap. You need to spend a considerable amount of money to learn the guitar. But if this is really something you want to do, then you can always find a way to make it work.

Home and school combo

Who says you cannot have both? Now you know that there are advantages and disadvantage in choosing home or school to start learning the guitar. However, one option that is worth contemplating about is to combine both methods. Let us see why:

  • Learning from a professional provides you with insights and lessons that are not available online. And you can apply all your learning at home, as well as take what you learn from home and incorporate them with your school lessons.
  • By choosing to do both options, you get to have the best of both worlds. You will enjoy the informative lessons from your guitar instructor, and you can add your personal research and learning to your knowledge.

Never too old to learn

One mistake that aspiring guitar players make is to think that they are too old to learn the guitar. The fact is, there is absolutely no age limit when it comes to playing the guitar. Though it is ideal to start learning at a young age, you can still do so even if you are in your 50s. A skill is a skill, no matter what age you have or the status you have achieved.

Final say

Wherever you decide to start your guitar lessons, you need to always remember that your attitude towards it matters greatly. Invest your time, energy, and money wisely for your learning process, and do whatever you can to learn fast. With strong will, you can succeed.

What are you waiting for? Learn it all by yourself or join a school. You can do both!

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Written by All Matters Music

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