
Best Acoustic Guitar for Beginners

Best Acoustic Guitar for Beginners

Music has the power to release stress. Some of you may not agree with the fact but it is true. Majority of the people are fond of music and their passion often motivates them to learn a few instruments.The guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments these days.

Being an enthusiast for learning guitar is a good thing, but choosing the right guitar for yourself is a tricky job. Not every guitar you hear about can satisfy your use. You can face many problems while playing if the purchase decision is not right. Even the experts invest a lot of time before buying a guitar. When it comes to beginners, the choices are tougher and the decision is trickier to make.

For buying the right guitar, you must be fully aware of the different types of guitars available in the market. The most generally known are acoustic and electric guitars. They are further divided into several types and you must be aware of all of them to get the best one.

Beginners are already in the critical guitar learning process so to ease their hassles, here is an explanation to different types of guitars that a beginner can choose from.

Electric Guitars or Acoustic Guitars

Electric guitars resemble with acoustic guitars, but the major difference lies in their performance and bottom. The number of strings is the same but the base of an electric guitar has a solid body. Very few hollow or semi-hollow body exceptions are found in electric guitars. On the contrary, acoustic guitars only have a hollow body. A soundhole is present below the strings that produce the sound. Electric guitars, on the other hand, have no sound holes. Due to the availability of sound holes, acoustic guitars can produce sounds and amplify it, whereas, electric guitars cannot.

For beginners, most teachers recommend acoustic guitars because they can learn in-depth. Also, acoustic guitars are less expensive than electric guitars. If you are also in favor of acoustic guitars, here some options you have to choose from.


This is the most common guitar shape available in the market. It was introduced by CF Martin in 1916 and its large size and big shape give its name ‘dreadnought’. The shoulders of dreadnought are large and the internal cavity is huge. It produces a very tight sound that emphasizes the bass frequencies and produces a strong midrange with cutting highs. It is a wise choice for beginners due to its balance between volume, size, and ease to play.

Round-Shoulder Dreadnought

The round-shoulder dreadnought is a variant of the original dreadnought by CF Martin. As the first guitar was introduced, other people also jumped into the market and introduced dreadnought with round-shaped shoulders. This was Gibson’s creation which is still the preference of many guitarists. It is the shape that gains the customers’ attraction. Undoubtedly, it has easy use and convenient carrying system. The most popular round-shoulder dreadnought is J-45. The tone is sweet and warm that allows high notes and midrange as well.


Other than the modern baby guitars, there is another small-sized guitar called Parlor. They are more efficient for low-key and less hasty musical styles like idle and folk. The body of parlor guitars is shrunken-style. It is the center of attraction for people with small height and the ones who want the guitar to be carried easily. The shoulders of this guitar are rounder than the dreadnought guitars hence, another attractive feature for the buyers. Being a beginner, it is an easy choice to make because parlor guitars are easy to handle and the sound is good as well.


As the name suggests, jumbo guitars are massive in size. These are a little trickier to handle but they are the best choice for loud music. If you are a party person and want a guitar to rock the dance floor, a jumbo guitar would be the best choice. It produces a loud, brash sound that catches the limelight at all events. The guitar uses extra wood which resonates with the sound and an amplified sound is produced. The shape and its sound complement each other. Beginners especially teenagers can get a jumbo guitar. Body and sound would not make you regret your decision.


These guitars are among the first generation of guitars and originated in Spain hence, their typical Flamenco shape. This is one of the most commonly found guitars as well. You may have seen performers holding the guitar that crosses their chests in a diagonal. It’s the same type of guitar. The counterparts are steel-strung that promote a specific type of playing style.


The Martin’s gave the market another new guitar type. This was the auditorium guitar that lies between dreadnought and parlor guitars. Auditoriums have the hourglass figure that is perfect for holding on the knee. As a beginner, you would need to practice on the lap first and these guitars are the best for that. The sound is not compromised and you can easily grab it for playing.

Grand Auditorium

The guitar market has another big name ‘Taylor’ who introduced the grand auditorium guitars. This guitar is a symbol of perfection because of the perfect blend of size, shape, volume, and player’s comfort. It is a modern-day style guitar that can be greatly beneficial for a beginner’s use.

Travel Guitars

With advancements, the guitarists have another option called travel guitars. These are also identified as baby acoustics due to their small but convenient size. They are equally useful on stage and in your bedroom. Their small body is a plus point in the beginner’s learning phase.

The Takeaway

Learning how to play guitar sounds easy but it has several tricks and techniques that you must know. If you want to learn guitar proficiently, playing the right one is important. From the above choices, you can choose the right acoustic guitar for learning.

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Written by All Matters Music

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Where to Start Learning a Guitar